Recent Workshops
October 2021 -
Small Group Serigraphy Workshop - 5 week course
Screen print your own images in a small class setting. Maximum 3 students.The tutor’s aim is to host workshops that inspire creativity and enhance confidence in using screen printing equipment. Previous experience is not necessary. You’ll get to make photo emulsion and hand cut stencils, combining drawings, text and photos to produce A4 sized artworks. Materials provided. Screenprinting on fabric is not included in this workshop.
June 2021 -
Screen Printing 5 week course
Hand pull screen prints on paper using your own designs. Coat, expose and reclaim screens, as well as cut paper stencils. Register for multi layers and editions and create monotypes. Designs will be printed at approximately A4 size. No previous experience is necessary.
The tutor’s aim is to host workshops that inspire and build skills and knowledge with hands on learning. To get the most from the workshop, come armed with concepts for a few different prints. All materials are included and comprehensive class notes provided. Printing on fabric is not covered.
March 2021 -
Wednesday Workshop Screen Printing 5 week course
Over five Wednesday afternoons, this course covers creating a design, making paper and photo emulsion stencils, registering and printing on paper, removing emulsion stencils and mono screen prints. The tutor will explain and demonstrate each stage, happily answer your questions and help you while you work. It is suitable for complete beginners or someone who would like a refresher. The fee includes all materials and comprehensive class notes for future reference. This course does not cover printing on fabric.
January 2021 -
Saturday Night Screenprinting
Different approaches will be considered to suggest alternative ways of creating a screen printed image on paper. The class does not cover printing on fabric. The first night will be spent watching the tutor demonstrating the basics, providing examples of different techniques and discussing design considerations.
You can use high contrast black and white drawings, collages, digital images, photocopies, flat opaque objects or cut/torn paper to create a stencil for screenprinting.
Your compositions may take the form of a freeform mono print, blended rainbow gradient and vivid swirls of colour, a key image with spots of colour, layers of related images and elements, or a combination of these approaches.
Using whatever combination of techniques suits you best you will learn to print, register accurately for editioning, process screens, mix inks and expose images on our UV box.â €
This is a small class and all materials are provided.
September 2020 -
Learn to Screen Print
Treat yourself to a new skill and get some mid-week creativity happening. Learn paper-based screen printing over four Wednesday afternoons starting 2nd September. All materials provided.
Screen printing is ideal for making your own wall art, greeting cards, poster, or just enjoying some creative time. Your designs can be up to approximately A4 size. The complete process is covered, from designing an image, creating hand cut and photo emulsion stencils, registering multiple layers, as well as blending colours and monotypes. Acrylic inks and paper (not fabric) will be used.
July 2020 -
Sunday Arvo Screenprinting
This course runs for five Sunday afternoons, starting 12 July. All materials are provided. If you would like to learn the basics of paper-based screen printing and print your own designs, be quick to book a place.
The complete process is covered, from designing an image, creating hand cut and photo emulsion stencils, registering multiple colours, as well as blended colours and monotypes. With your own simple designs you can create stunning wall art, greeting cards, or even a political poster!
Be prepared to get messy and wear closed-in shoes for safety. Water-based inks will be used and you will be printing on paper (not fabric). Bring along ideas for at least two A4 size images - the simpler, the better.
February 2020 -
Screenprinting Wednesday Evening Classes
Over five Wednesday evenings you will design and make hand cut and photo emulsion stencils, register two-colour prints, do blended colours and produce monoprints.
Learn how to coat a screen with photo emulsion and expose the screen with a photo or hand drawn image. Images will be A4 size.
We have basic kitchen facilities. Be prepared to get messy and don’t dress in your best gear (wear closed-in shoes for safety). All materials are supplied. Printing will be on paper only, not fabric.
November 2019 -
Introduction to Screenprinting
Over four Saturdays the tutor provides guided exercises and demonstrations to inspire you to explore how your hand drawn, digital images and found source materials can be incorporated into your own original printed artwork, poster, or functional item like cards. You will consider size, colours and layers in your own design, make hand cut stencils and photo emulsions stencils, learn registration methods, and produce an edition of prints.
Bring some lunch or pop up to the nearby cafes and shops. We have basic kitchen facilities. Be prepared to get messy and don’t dress in your best gear (wear closed-in shoes for safety). Water-based inks are used. All materials are supplied. Suitable for beginners and those with some experience. Printing will be on paper, not fabric. Chemicals and a high pressure hose will be used. Personal protection equipment is provided. Please read the course outline -there is homework! Digital editing is not included in the course, however the tutor will do their best to assist you with any image tweaking.
October 2019 -
Monotype Screenprinting
Find out how to create a one-off distinctive screen print using nothing but a screen, ink, brushes and squeegee - no stencils! Some people say it is like printing a painting. Once you know the key points you can create a monotype print (unique print) by directly painting onto a screen and squeegeeing the ink through the mesh onto paper.
Be prepared to get messy and don’t dress in your best gear. Wear closed-in shoes for safety. Bring your own lunch or pop up to the nearby cafes and shops. All materials are supplied. Bring some images; ideally not much bigger than A4 size; that you can trace onto the screen. After tracing, the image is painted in about fifteen minutes so that the ink doesn’t dry in the screen. The image above, Donkey, was painted in this time from a tracing. You can also try water colour, which is a slightly different process that lets you take more time and gives lovely soft edges.
Monotypes rely on you working with the ink in what is considered the most painterly of printmaking processes. This course does NOT cover the basics of screen printing such as stencils, registration etc. We offer other screen printing courses which cover the basics.
May 2019 -
Make your Mark, Learn to Screenprint
Do you like to express yourself with colour? Then you’ll love screenprinting. Water-based inks are used, so clean up is a cinch. Shapes, lines, text, photos and patterns can all be put together in one design. This 4 week course will give you a flying start for your screenprinting ideas, including the basics of how to make a stencil by hand, how to pull a print, photo emulsions, plus more - like colour blending and mono prints. Bring along your ideas - or just come with an open mind. There’s a cafe across the road and we have basic kitchen facilities. Be prepared to get messy and don’t dress in your best gear (wear closed-in shoes for safety). All materials are supplied. Suitable for beginners and those with some experience. Please read the course outline below. Digital editing is not included in the course, however the tutor will do their best to assist you with any image tweaking.
March 2019 -
Introduction to Screenprinting Workshop, Saturdays
A workshop over two Saturdays 10am-1pm with Catherine Tempest on introductory screen printing techniques using hand cut stencils and photo emulsion stencils. Screen Printing is an easy and accessible form of fine art, by the end of the course everyone should have created an A4 sized hand cut stencil and photo emulsion stencil, and screen printed these onto paper, using their own design.
All materials are supplied and morning tea will be provided. Suitable for beginners and those with some experience.
Please email the tutor one week before class to discuss your design and allow time for printing a transparency.
February 2019 -
Introduction to Screenprinting Workshop, Wednesdays
A workshop over two Wednesdays 10am-1pm with Catherine Tempest on introductory screen printing techniques using hand cut stencils and photo emulsion stencils. Screen Printing is an easy and accessible form of fine art, by the end of the course everyone should have created an A4 sized hand cut stencil and photo emulsion stencil, and screen printed these onto paper, using their own design.
All materials are supplied and morning tea will be provided. Suitable for beginners and those with some experience.
Please email the tutor one week before class to discuss your design and allow time for printing a transparency.